Christina Interviews Fifi O’Neil

About five years ago, I was interviewed for Country Living Magazine in the USA.  The interviewer was Fifi O’Neil

She was utterly charming, – we instantly became friends.   I met her for the first time, two years later in New York and I felt I had known her for most of my life.   We planned to do a book together, but sadly it has not yet materialized.  We both, however, made a book independently a year apart, here is a small interview about her new book….Romantic Prairie Style due for publication on April 15, 2011.



About Fifi’s book:

Romantic Prairie Style embraces simple pleasures, comfort and the long-cherished ideals of natural beauty, simplicity and harmony with the earth. It’s a style that says ‘home’ wherever you may be because, more than anything else, it’s a mindset: gentle but strong, welcoming and lasting, durable yet sophisticated and, above all, real. Over the centuries, the humble dwellings built by European immigrants to the US in the 1880s have evolved into sturdier, more comfortable homes, which, depending on their geographic location, took on a variety of designs, be it a ranch, cabin, farmhouse, cottage or adobe. Each of these styles plays a role in prairie style and its enduring aura of romance and nostalgia. Here interiors bear the influence of European settlers and the poetry of the heart-warming authenticity of simple, natural textures, hand-hewn beams, bleached wood, weathered planks, woven blankets, cow-hide and Navajo rugs. It’s a style inspired by the honesty of homespun materials of the past wedded to a flair for the present. It’s flower-sprigged brocade, tawny leather, crisp eyelet and soft linen, corduroy with crochet trims, woolen plaids, cosy flannel and wispy organza. It’s history retold and all about the enduring connection between people and places and the nostalgia we feel for a rural country life, a yearning for a simpler life, as embodied in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House on the Prairie.

We know you love Prairie decor, tell us why it connects so strongly with you. (Why Romantic Prairie? vs. another style i.e. Cottage.  Why will this appeal to readers?)

What appeals to me about Prairie Style is that it is much more than a decorating style: it’s  a way of life. One that reconnects us with what truly matters: family, home, and the earth. The global economic crisis, the emphasis on green living, and the need to escape the stressful demands of today’s life are at the root of this return to a peaceful and more contemplative lifestyle. The more unsettling the news, the more we seek the refuge of our homes and look for meaningful and economical ways to beautify our surroundings. Honest materials, artisanal goods and time-honored objects are once again valued and create homes, not just shelters. The lessons learned come together in the celebration of a wholesome life. Now, we look back to yesteryears because  to understand the past is to secure the future. We embrace the present hence fostering stewardship of the land.
The authenticity, poesy and healing qualities inherent to this sustainable lifestyle define Prairie Style. Traditions and preservation are its heart. The nobility of the land and the fragility of our heritage are its soul. The spirit of prairie style drifts eternal in the romance of nurturing interiors and the abundant beauty of  nature. These are the compelling reasons that will appeal to those who embrace these values.
This decorating style is not only timeless, it’s also very timely because the upside of an unfavorable economy is that it makes us take stock, re-establish values,  prioritize, and realize our potential. We look inward, not just within ourselves but within our own settings.  The benefits are measurable both emotionally and physically and clearly visible.

Tell us about your journey shooting the book?   Where you traveled and anecdotal stories from your travels.

I first went searching for the homes I wanted for the book. Then set up the photo shoots, and Mark Lohman (the photographer) and I travelled from one end of the country to the other. I styled, he shot, I wrote. Mark lives in L.A and I am in Florida. We flew and met at the various locations. The first 4 homes were in Illinois. From there we went to Missouri and Nebraska. Next came Southern California followed by Northern California (Ione and Tahoe). Then off to Maryland, Virginia and Florida.

We got chased by a 3-legged dog In Nebraska. Dolly-the-Goat ate some of the props (basket of apples) in Ione where we were also warned about rattle snakes but only saw a zillion bats and where I also had my very first martini ever. Tracey and Joy (in Illinois) supplied me with band-aids for my blistered toes and Anne Marie (also in Illinois) soothed my weary bones (and Mark’s) with her secret “medicinal” gin remedy (going back for more of that magic potion in May!) and a home cooked dinner …..Drove across a creek with no bridge in Missouri………Andrea’s geese (in Nebraska) thought they should nibble at my hair…….And Mark and I nibbled on Angela’s incredible macaroons….. Also had nice “chats” with horses, rabbits, goats and chickens and more!

Maria's spirited goat Dolly, having a snack. (DreamyWhites)

Tell us about a few of these amazing homes, and the homeowners who opened up their homes to you.

Where to begin? Of course every home was special and all the homeowners have become friends. Because of the nature of the book and their own feelings about prairie style we had an instant connection. One rooted in the same values and principals. Becoming lifelong friends was inevitable. We are keeping in touch. Marc and I will be revisiting some of these locations for book 2, though the concept is still about prairie the angle is different, hence the possibilities to shoot some of the contents in familiar surroundings.

What was the best part of your adventure making Romantic Prairie? Don’t say being done – what did you love?  Would you do it again?

There isn’t “one” best part. From the homeowners hospitality and generosity to working with Marc, who is not only a consummate photographer but also has a wonderful sense of humor and makes every shoot fun and relaxed–in spite of the grueling schedule– and having the priceless support of the whole team at Cico Books, made the adventure an unforgettable one. And, YES, I am ready to start the follow up book. In fact I can’t wait. Marc and I are planning our schedule and looking forward to beautiful locations and ….a couple of martinis along the way…..

What was the most challenging part of your adventure?  I know a lot of people would love to make a book so please share your insights with us.

Considering the traveling involved, editing a magazine at the same time, working with other magazines, shooting 13 homes in 6 weeks (for the book) +13 more homes for various magazines (through the same period) AND writing the book in 3 weeks turned out to be quite a challenge. But, as the saying goes “If there is a will, there is a way!”

What is next for Fifi?

Getting ready to go on book signing tours. Setting up next location shoots for book 2. Designing a “PRAIRIE PRETTY” line of clothes and home accessories.

Romantic Prairie Style by Fifi O’Neill is published by CICO Books at [US price to be supplied/UK price is £19.99 , hardback.  Photography by Mark Lohman. Visit

We are giving a copy of Romantic Prairie Style away to a lucky Cabbages & Roses fan, just leave us a comment telling us what about the Prairie style inspires you.

To receive extra entries you can –

Post the giveaway to any of your social networking sites; such as your blog, twitter, and/or Facebook, and you will receive an extra entry….. Just make sure you leave a separate comment for each entry.

Open to US/Europe/UK viewers only. The winner will be chosen randomly on March 3, 2011.
The giveaway book will be shipped upon availability.


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181 Responses to “Christina Interviews Fifi O’Neil”

  1. Fabulous Finds Studio Says:

    I pre-ordered Fifi’s book, I can’t wait to receive it! I’m sure it’s going to be one of my favorite books of all time!

  2. monicaleestudios Says:

    Oh! I am going to love this book! I think “Prairie Style” gives me the chance to use all the beautiful family heirlooms in my home, especially since I come from a long line of American prairie settlers!

  3. elin Says:

    Oh this book must be mine:)My birthday is the 3 march:)
    I love this old style…I am grown up with it in my grandmothers house…
    hugs hugs…Oslo….Norway…

  4. Lynnette Says:

    I would love to own this book. I think what appeals to me most about this style is how crispy clean it appears, not cluttered, just beautiful!!
    nettecan at hotmail dot com

  5. Privet and Holly Says:

    I think it is the “ying and yang”
    of rustic and feminine paired together
    that makes Romantic Prairie so special.
    I can totally see a Fifi-Christina
    collaboration! I own Christina’s book
    and look forward to adding Fifi’s to
    my collection as well. Wonderful
    interview ~ thank you!
    xx Suzanne

  6. Tracie~My Petite Maison Says:

    I absolutely can’t wait for this book to be released. Have loved all that Fifi inspires in all of us, to be your best & share your passion w/others freely.

    I adore the Romantic Prairie Style & embrace the lifestyle here at home in Wine Country, whether it be making the most of old very old house w/little projects or transforming our backyard that needed much love & care (thanks to inspiration from one of my muses… sweet Fifi!).
    xo~Tracie @ My Petite Maison

  7. lana Says:

    “What appeals to me about Prairie Style is that it is much more than a decorating style: ”
    Nothing personal, but that’s exactly why I don’t have any books about style and house life.
    I just live it and the house reflects me. I think there’s nothing more depressing than people “photocopying” other people’s houses, almost like a more expensive shopping trip in the High Street.
    One does not need expensive decor to show/convince themselves they are “romantic” (a branch of lilac in the glass & a morning chat with the birds would just do the trick) , and a few years doesn’t the track switch to soulless brown/lime 70s colour scheme.
    There you have it, a grumpy old woman….

  8. lolodesigns Says:

    Never heard the term romantic prairie before but I’m loving it already. My favourite all time show when I was growing up was Little House on the Prairie, I would pretend I was Mary all the time and wished I could be where she was. I love the white pumpkin on the table, genius! Oh and Fifi is effortlessly stunning. I soo want this book can you tell. Thanks for the giveway. x

  9. elyse Says:

    so happy to read this interview by the always eloquent and most fabulous fifi. i preordered fifi’s book and its arrival is giving me another reason to pine for spring!

    wonderful read of 2 women who inspire me greatly!


  10. Marcia Says:

    I enjoyed reading the interview. Fifi sounds like such a sweet lady. I’d love to enter your giveaway too.

  11. Marcia Says:

    I just added your giveaway info to the sidebar of my blog. This style inspires me because in brings to mind my grandparents, and the things of their era. Making do, doing without, bringing the outside in and the inside out, and finding a way to create beauty out of what they had on hand.

  12. Anne Marie Says:

    The day is getting closer to owning Fifi’s book…how so very exciting…and to think Christina is a part of it too, is even more thrilling……..they seem to make a great team
    (p.s. i love that picture of Fifi getting out of the blue truck!)

    Thank you so much for the mention and link in this article Christina…I hope to meet someday…and if you are coming to the May event here on our farm to see Fifi (and to shop) make sure you let me know: I have a special farm to table dinner planned for Saturday night with her and Mark and some close friends… are more than welcome.
    (please don’t enter me into the giveaway…but I will help promote it for you)
    Anne Marie

  13. Theresa Says:

    Oh, how I need to have this book! I think the fact that the old and forgotten become such lovely pieces in a home. Everything about these photos makes me yearn for a place just like it! Brilliance.

  14. Valerie Says:

    This interview keeps me inspired and wanting to build a small building to house my finds. What inspiration!!


  15. melissa- Miss Sew & So Says:

    wonderful…inspiring…lovely woman…..!!

    as an australian mother of three living in the wilds of the english countryside…i have loved discovering this prairie style…
    as an avid sewer- i have loved re-creating this style in my big old country house here- with old fabrics i have found through out europe and england…

    thanks for the insight into fifi’s time whilst creating this book….

    melissa x

  16. erin Says:

    i just adore this style and can’t wait to see the book. such a soft and airy look that comforts me……..

    thanks for the opportunity!


  17. Candylei Says:

    Oh, I would love to win this fabulous book. The photographs are gorgeous! Thank you for giving us a chance to own it and cherish it.


  18. Marcia Says:

    I love Fifi’s style so much! It’s very light, airy and beautiful. It’s a style I am trying to create in my own home. She always inspires me, and I am thankful for all the contributors of her new book.

  19. Marcia Says:

    I have put this give away on my facebook as well!

  20. Elaine Says:

    I love the light bright cozy feel of the book and the prairie look.

  21. Tiffani Says:

    For me the style resonates with my love and driving nature to connected with things from the past, simplicity and a love of the land.

  22. Karen Says:

    I love the elegant simplicity of prairie style,and the marriage of feminine, and rustic eleganance is so gorgeous.

  23. Terrell Says:

    I simply love the way this decor looks so relaxed and calm. I cannot wait to decorate with this style and would love to have this book to help me get there! Thank you for the chance! *Crosses fingers to win!*
    Terrell @ Frou Frou Decor

  24. My Shabby Roses Says:

    I love all the dreamy whites, such inspiration. Thank you for the fun giveaway!

  25. My Shabby Roses Says:

    I’ll post about your wonderful giveaway on my sidebar!

  26. Gail Says:

    Would love a copy! Thanks so very much…..

  27. mandy Says:

    is there anything in there that doesn’t inspire??!!! I literrally had a dream of getting this book. pick me, pick me!

  28. zaira Says:

    I love Fifi, she’s so talented and has a really gentle heart! can’t wait to see this book . Thank you for this giveaway xx

  29. zaira Says:

    Added on my fb page!

  30. Stephanie @ La Dolce Vita Says:

    This is a book that I can hardly wait for! It looks so lovely. (The C&R book is one of my hands down favorites too – and one I always look to for inspiration!) I am inspired by the way Romantic Prairie style embodies a way of life more than one particular style. Where things are loved and used, and beautiful, and not just tossed at the curb when a new shiny “toy” comes along. And OH am I glad I found this blog! How did I not find it sooner!?!

  31. rosemariee Says:

    thanks for the giveaway! i think this prairie style inspires me because it leaves room to add your own touches and use items that you have collected over the years.

  32. Melissa Says:

    Ohhhh, I just found your blog and LLLLOOOOVVVVEEEE it and this interview was truly inspiring…really enjoyed the gorgeous photography as well!

    What inspires me about prairie style…hmmmm….all of it! The “clean” look of it which gives it a bit of modern flair, but mostly I love how the people who accomplish prairie style, make the most of what they already have and repurpose it…GREEN living, ya gotta love it for mother earth 🙂

  33. Floss Says:

    Oh, I would love to win this book! I love European vintage style but grew up on Little House on the Praiire (the books, obviously, not the TV show – my family likes original things!). So I’d love to learn a bit about prairie style as a way to include my American memories in my European life.

  34. Teresa Says:

    The prairie style seems so relaxing and fresh. I love decorating with feed sacks!

  35. Teresa Says:

    I just added a link on my Facebook page.

  36. indiansummer Says:

    I love how light and airy Prairie Style looks, and I’ve always loved lots of white.

    The book looks gorgeous!

  37. Die Rabenfrau Says:

    I heared about this inspiring book before, and I would be soooo glad to own an exemplar for myself! Thank you for this giveaway!
    Ursel from Germany

  38. Francie Says:

    What a beautiful spread. Romantic Prairie…hmmm, sounds open to lots of interpretation. I’d never heard the term before, but love it just the same. Everything is beautiful!

  39. Die Rabenfrau Says:

    Tomorrow morning a Blogpost will be published at my Blog Rabenzeit! Thank you!

  40. Allison Says:

    Prairie Style allows you to reuse elements in different ways that redefine the value of that piece… it is fun to give objects a new lease on life!

  41. Allison Says:

    I just told about your giveaway on my facebook!

  42. Priscilla Says:

    I love that you give me ideas for making my old things look beautiful again by arranging them more interestingly.
    I would love a copy of the new publication. I’m posting this on my blog

  43. Priscilla Says:

    I love the way you are inspiring me to make my old things new by rearranging them in a more interesting way.
    I am posting your give away on my blog.

  44. Priscilla Says:

    I’m posting on Facebook your blog and give away

  45. catherine Says:

    love the eclectric, welcoming style. pretty but not standoffish. just so inviting and that’s how i want people to feel when they come to visit.

  46. Karen Kearney Says:

    Hello! I lived in a small town in Oregon and was able to find used items in great thrift stores. It wasn’t until after my only son left home that I started loving the old white linens and rough wood textures. Your book brings me back to that feeling, which also reminds me of my childhood and a feeling of safety and comfort! It’s beautiful.

  47. Karen Says:

    Wow, the photos are amazing. I love teh casualness of the style. That you for the interview!

  48. wendy .....NZ Says:

    what inspires me about this style is that it shows real people living real lives in real homes…..these homes are something we can look at and all achieve and i think what is so special about these homes is the people who live in them, their generosity to share ideas, hopes and dreams……real woman whose creative style and spirit inspires us all and show us that anything is possible…..what comes from the heart goes to the heart…..

  49. Miranda Says:

    I would love to win this book. The prairie style is more appealing to me than others because it adds more color and natural elements. It’s simple and does make you long for a calmer way of life. It harkens back to the old days I guess.

  50. Maureen Says:

    I love that the use of worn woods, old linens and creative lighting and accessories conjures a modern look that blends with the outside and says welcome home. It takes the cottage look to a new high. Thanks Fifi for a beautiful book!

  51. Alice Says:

    What a great interview! I love reading about the things Fifi experienced during her interviews. This book looks wonderful! I love the prairie style because it is comfortable, and can lean towards modern and country and anywhere inbetween.

  52. Tracey Gaudette Says:

    I’m really looking forward to the book that you and Fifi WILL do together!! It’s a sure winner!
    What I love most about Prairie style is much more than how it looks … it’s how it makes me feel. It is calming, like taking a slow, deep breath. I need that right now in my life ~ don’t we all?! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! XOXO

  53. Alice Says:

    I’ve posted about the giveaway in the sidebar of the blog:

  54. Jami @ freckled laundry Says:

    The elegant simplicity and comfort inspires me. It’s the feeling of ‘home’ when you enter the door, leaving troubles at the door step. The often softer, muted, earthen tones create a space of solitude that makes my heart sing.

    Wonderful interview. How I would love to spend a day with either of you lovely girls. Looking forward to Fifi’s book!


  55. jan Says:

    this style is breath taking…. it makes you take a step back and say wow!

  56. Bobbi lynn Miller Says:

    I”m excited to discover this upcoming book,Prairie Style. For years I have loved the happy mix ,and have taught my 19 year old daughter, {who loves Western } that she can have both cowboy boots and hats, and still make the look soft and feminine …
    Thank you for offering this giveaway…the sweet anticipation of wondering who will win is delightful ! It would be like having Christmas
    all over again ! :}

  57. Lori R. Says:

    I love the lightness and romantic feel.

  58. Lynn M Says:

    She said it best: it’s a way of life. One that reconnects us with what truly matters: family, home, and the earth. That’s what inspires me to this style. Leaving the stress at the office and coming in to MY home with the quilts that I sew to cozy into, the dog, the cat, the hubby and daughter. What more could you want? Thanks for a wonderful interview.

  59. Jane Says:

    I love Fifi and I would LOVE to meet her!
    I am so excited about this book!!!
    I would love, love to win it!
    And Maria at Dreamy Whites……she is wonderful!!

  60. Jane Says:

    I added it to my Facebook page and told all my friends if they win the book they have to give it to me!!

  61. cate mather Says:

    what a cute lovely book , makes you want to redecorate all your house , just love books like this, make you want to curl up in front of a real fire with a bru and some chocolate and just imerse yourself, good luck hope you sell loads xx

  62. Snowflake Says:

    the pretty muted tones have a calming feel.

  63. Dru Says:

    What a cool book, neat eclectic appeal, would love a copy

  64. gretchen nation Says:

    I’m hoping to actually meet this amazing woman on her book tour or sometime, somewhere….
    it’s always a joy to see what she has done, from this book to the magazines and her blog. thank you for sharing this interview.

  65. Karen Says:

    I’m calm just looking at the few images of “prairie” life.

  66. Cielo Says:

    Everything about this book with its gorgeous prairie style inspires me… so lovely, so enchanting. Looking at images like the ones in Fifi’s book help me through our darks and dreary winter days…. I dream and dream and then dream some more.. THANK YOU for making my days better!


  67. tara Says:

    EVERYTHING Fifi does is so gorgeous and inspiring.This book would be a treasure to hold..xx

  68. debbi @ the beach Says:

    Love what I have seen of the book so far! It would be a great inspiration book to add to my collection!
    Debbi @ the beach

  69. Sherry Says:

    I love the simple yet feminine style in this book. The rooms are so inviting and peaceful and fit the idea of reusing and repurposing items.

  70. Cheryl Ann O'Donnell Says:

    Not only is your book fresh and new, it’s inspiring, teasing our senses…the urge to create sets in, followed the the awe of how addicting your design is~ want, want it, want it all! Thanks for sharing your unique talent! Cheryl O’Donnell/Voondi

  71. amber r. Says:

    wow! the romantic prairie style is just so open and airy and relaxing! this style (and decorationg) is a fairly love of mine, but i feel like it’s so “welcoming”. thanks for the great post…off to browse some more beautiful photos for inspiration!

  72. Elise Says:

    What a lovely book, I’m sure…To me, Romantic Prairie embodies a sort of sweet simplicity, using what you have and new{old} things i unexpected ways. Cannot wait to see the book!! I also own one of your books…Decorating Vintage Style, and its fabulous!!
    Thank you!!

  73. Christina Thompson Says:

    Creamy white and soothing accent colors. Bring on the prairie life and the new book!!

  74. Christina Thompson Says:

    I am adding this interview and giveaway to my blog as well!!

  75. Diane Says:

    This book looks divine!!! I would be thrilled to win a copy! What inspires me about this style is how soothing and vintage it is. There is something about it that mentally takes you back to a simpler, slower, more peaceful time. It is quieting and calming. It’s like Robert Frost’s two paths diverging, and this is like a lovely, country dirt road diverging off of a busy freeway, a road where chasing clouds and the smell of grass and wildflowers beckons.

  76. Nancy Hamilton Says:

    I loved reading the interview and I love the simple lines of “prairie style.” I would love, love, love to win this book.

  77. Abby of Abby's Paperie Garden Says:

    I’d love a copy of this book! My decor style has changed a bit as I’ve grown older and am now drawn to the praire look. This beautiful book would certainly provide the inspiration I need to sprinkle a bit of the prairie style in my home. Thanks so much for the chance!


  78. KayC Says:

    I love the simplicity of it. It is warm and inviting, down home goodness! I would love to win this book. Thank you for this giveaway.

  79. KayC Says:

    I have added to my FB. Thanks again!

  80. KayC Says:

    And I have added it to my blog “Anna Clo’t and Me”. (

  81. Kimberly Says:

    I’ve just moved into a 90 year old farmhouse. I love this style! We’re in the midst of working on the house and especially planning the kitchen that was sadly redone in the 80’s. We want to take it back more to the original with our own sense of style. This would so help with that!

  82. Amy Says:

    I loved the Prairie Style long before it became popular.The comfort and warmth.Softness with a little rustic.Always feels fresh,comforting and like home.Would love to win the book have been looking forward to it for months.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  83. Deborah aka Miss Bee Says:

    I added this giveaway to my blog’s sidebar.

    Deborah in NC

  84. Deborah aka Miss Bee Says:

    I wrote about your interview and giveaway on my Facebook page:!/pages/Miss-Bees-Haven/121133541278872

    Deborah in NC

  85. Molly Says:

    Inspired BEYOND!! The color pallets the textures and the beauty of it all coming together. I can’t wait to get my hands on the book. Thanks for the opportunity to win:) ~ :M

  86. Deborah aka Miss Bee Says:

    I love the elegant simplicity that is rooted in our heritage.
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway. I would love to win Fifi’s book!

    Deborah in NC

  87. c Says:

    Such a beautiful book, can’t wait to see it…would definately love to win!!!

    thank you

  88. marsha wilson Says:

    I love the coziness of Prairie Style, I think it is attainable for all~ YOur blog is wonderful!

  89. abigail Says:

    what a blessing it is to find your blog and book, that reflects the ‘soul’ of my heart and home, and all that is beautiful, true and good that i love…with pure wholesome charm that is of ageless beauty.
    you are a reflection of these ‘simple gifts.’
    warm hugs from Montana~

  90. cornelia Says:

    I love this book and would not mind winning it. The photographs are just wonderful. I love that nothing is cluttered and overly done, it is inviting and I would like to change my house now.

  91. kathleen Says:

    Rustic, elegant, uncluttered, what’s not to love about prairie style? I would LOVE to win this so that I could bring it with me to NaDa Farm in May for FIFI’s book signing!


  92. Faith Hope & Cherrytea Says:

    why i luv it?
    the warmth and simplicity of the beauty that speaks ‘home’…
    i’m a romantic & it allows me the freedom to incorporate romance in my expression of home…
    thx for asking “)

  93. Faith Hope & Cherrytea Says:

    have posted the giveaway at my blog FHC ~

  94. sharon Says:

    i love prairie style b/c it’s natural. i’m a prairie girl…

  95. Latriece Says:

    I LOVE all the previews that you’ve shared so far. The mix of old, new, charming, and blue….. WHITE, gray, so calming, relaxing, and serene.

    I’m working with a client who adores this style. She lives in a quaint, historic home. Your book would be such an inspiration….. I’ll post pictures when we finish.

  96. Latriece Says:

    PS I’m sharing you on FB

  97. Sandi~A Cottage Muse Says:

    I am very excited for Fifi’s book! I love this style ~ comfortable and simple yet romantic too. Combined perfectly for familes.

    I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed!

  98. Lisa Wagner Says:

    The pictures that I’ve seen just make me want to redo my entire home…room by room. So romantic and dreamy and calming.

  99. Donna M. Says:

    What a lovely book! I would be delighted to win it. The look is clean, with a rustic cottage style. It makes you instantly feel at home!

  100. Susan Says:

    I am so excited to read this book! The romantic prairie style inspires me to take long walks & appreciate my own outdoor surroundings, and staying true to budget-friendly flea market decor.
    Thank you for this opportunity!
    – susan

  101. Kathy Says:

    Love the style….your blog….Fifi…and I hope to have my own blog soon. Sincerely. Kathy


    Lovely interview!
    I adore you and Fifi style!…of course I would love to win this a copy of her book!!!

  103. Becca Says:

    I love how this style expresses the perfect combination of the girly-girl and the country-girl in me.

  104. Toni Says:

    I follow several of the blogs that are featured in Fifi’s new book and for me it’s the common thread….it’s not a decorating choice, it’s a way of life. Living your life for what matters, family, home, respecting the environment. Going back to our roots, when life was a bit slower, calmer, appreciating the objects our ancestor’s used and incorporating them into our homes and daily life.

  105. Julia Says:

    I can’t wait for this book to come out. Whether I win the give-away or not, this book live at my house! I love the ease, simplicity and beauty of this style. Changes are afoot at my home!

  106. Julia Says:

    I love this style! Whether win the give away or not, this book will live at my house! I love the simple grace of Fifi’s style. Changes are afoot at my home!

  107. Rachel@French Farmhouse 425 Says:

    ~**~Such a lovely giveaway!!~*Prairie style to me means loving what you already have in your home and finding ways to reuse items such as old canning jars as candle holders or vases or an old patchwork quilt turned into lovely pillows~*I have the Romantic prairie style in my home and it is so cozy and not fussy~*~ Hugs,Rachel Noelle

    French Farmhouse 425

  108. Mara Says:

    Oh I love that book!!! Thank you for this opportunity!! I’m decorating my new home and I’m very inspired by Maria (Dreamy Whites) style!

  109. Jenny Says:

    I love the simplicity and make-do approach of prairie style. I think it tells a story. Look inward as an individual and allow your natural beauty to shine forth… in all we do! Looking forward to meeting all the participants who contributed to this project. Best wishes!

  110. Shanon Says:

    I can barely wait to see this beautiful book! To browse over it’s pages with some coffee or tea. Lovely!

  111. Time Worn Interiors Says:

    I can’t wait to get my hands on this book! Thanks for hosting a giveaway!

  112. jackie Peters Says:

    I love this style of decorating…………I am getting ready to turn our guest room into this wonderful style. Thank You for all the wonderful ideas.

  113. Paula Says:

    The book looks wonderful! Thanks for the chance!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  114. barbara jean Says:

    Oh her magazine looks wonderful!!
    I love the lightness, and casual elegance of the Prairie style look, and would so love a chance to win this beautiful magazine.

    Thank you!!

    barbara jean

  115. freda Says:

    oooh I’d like to win this!

  116. Felicia Martin Says:

    I love all the white!! It looks so simple, clean and homey. I can’t wait to see the book.

  117. Fruitful Harvest Says:

    What inspires me about the Prarie Style is the clean look that nature brings to the room.
    I love the blend of fresh flowers,natural wood as well as the painted wood. The less is more aproach is soothing!

    Thanks for the giveaway and Congrats on your new book!
    A BIG high five!!!


  118. D'Ann Jackson Says:

    Prairie Style allows me to place some of my favorite antiques in view to be a part of such a comfortable and romantic room. I think it’s cozy and has such character.

    I’m such a fan of your blog and a fan of Fifi, too! Thanks for the inspiration

  119. Dawn Jones Says:

    I am looking forward to the book. I love the look of the clean prairie decorating. I think the reduce, reuse, or repurpose, is portrayed in theromantic prairie decorating lifestyle. Dawn

  120. Cathleen alyce Says:

    I am so excited about Fifi’s new book…can’t wait to get a copy.

    Romantic Prairie Style is so my style. Relaxed, cozy & comfortable with just enough lace & ruffles to make it romantic but not fufu. Love the iron bed outdoors…I am going to set up mine this summer under my old apple tree.

    Only a couple of days left til the giveaway is over…so I am rushing to post about it on my blog.
    Cathleen alyce
    VINTAGE HOME lifestyle

  121. Cathleen alyce Says:

    Just posted about your giveaway on my blog.

  122. Courtney Says:

    I just like the simple cleanness of it all. I have a very old home and just love having the decorating be clean, simple and authentic.

  123. Carissa Says:

    What a wonderful write up on the book. I love the feeling of a time that was more simple.

  124. Shine Says:

    What a dream of a book! Have been anxiously awaiting it’s release…what a dream to win it in a give-a-way!!! Hope..hope…hope I win:)

  125. InSpirit Says:

    along with emily dickinson, “i dwell in possibility”..
    romantic prairie style inspirits that visualization and redemption of beauty..

  126. misha Says:

    Oh, my. Just my style!
    Cannot wait to read this. I will eat it up 🙂
    xo, misha

  127. Anne Boykin Says:

    I’ve seen pictures from this book and love the look!

  128. Patti s Says:

    I love her style because I love a background of creamy white infused with beautiful colors. I’m a long time Fifi fan~

  129. It's me .... Says:

    Oh i am so glad i am on time to win Fifi beautiful book !!…she is a great artist and a lovely blogfriend to me…….please count me in !! …i do my fingers crossed and don’t sleep tonight !!! whahahahahhahah!! lovely day…….love Ria……xxx

  130. Kathy C Says:

    I like romantic country but with a little more colors. I plan to antique my vintage desk from my mom in an antique white. Checking out both books on line Cabbage & Roses and Romantic Prairie. I like being able to use what you already own but maybe put a twist on it. Live in Illinois and hope to maybe make it to NaDa’s Farm in May. Kathy C

  131. Sandra DIAS Says:


  132. Kathy C Says:

    I just realized I have your book but in the US it is called Decorating Vintage Style. I love that book – it is one of my favorites and very useful. Kathy C in ILLinois

  133. Lavender Dreams Says:

    I think it is such a relaxed, comfortable style and we can mix what we have to update our look! Would be thrilled to have the book! Thanks! ♥

  134. Ana Says:

    I love the colours and the style. Thank you for the giveaway.

  135. redkettle Says:

    Hi, I hope I am in good time for this giveaway! Also I hope that since, as a Canadian, I am right next door to the US and also our countries have a tie as members of the British Commonwealth that my entry is eligible. I love the lightness and bright pops of colour of Prairie Style and get lots of ideas everywhere I look for my own home.
    Janet in very chilly Nova Scotia

  136. Linda Says:

    I really liked your interview. I thought of the title Romantic Prairie style; and what came to my mind was our history going back to the pioneers. What many of those women would of given to have a Romantic Prairie Style after the long journey by wagon to start a new life. Please enter me in the giveaway, I would enjoy the new book Romantic Prairie Style. I also went to facebk. and put your page in like. Linda

  137. susan j beaty Says:

    i may have entered on the wrong page. i was commenting about the commentary of your book. hope its on the right page

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